Top Subreddits for Writers.

What Is Reddit and How Does It Work? Reddit is a social media network that allows you to create and manage your own community, known as a sub-reddit, on the site. Based on if they like them, other users will upvote or downvote postings on the site. If a post receives a lot of ups, it rises in the Reddit rankings so that more people can see it.

For some, Reddit is a site for entertainment and reading it is a way to pass the time. However, many don't realize that Reddit is one of the largest free resources for information on the internet.

If you're a writer looking for tips, advice, and guidance to really hone in on your skills, Reddit may be a great place for you. Even more, it is home to a wide range of helpful communities, each contributing, critiquing, and encouraging each other to become a better writer.

In this blog, we will highlight some of the top subreddit's that every writer should look into.



  • Writing (r/writing): 2.2M members. r/Writing connects members for daily discussion via thread and offers a place for authors to self-promote. With so much potential for mentorship and guidance, it's no wonder this is the largest community of writers on the internet!

  • Writers (r/writers): 138k members. r/Writers has similarities with r/Writing, but with much less rules and guidelines for the group. This is the best place for writers to receive criticism on their work and learn from other more experienced authors. Rules may be necessary for much larger groups such as r/Writing, but for a group this size, it seems to be running smoothly despite the lack of regulation.

Groups for Feedback

  • Writers Group (r/writersgroup): 30.5k members. r/WritersGroup seems like a friendly place for writers to receive feedback on their work. The overall tone between members is friendly and constructive, however this is certainly not a heavily active page. It may take some time and repeated posts to draw attention to your post.

  • Destructive Readers (r/destructivereaders): 30k members. r/DestructiveReaders isn't a place for writers who only seek positive feedback or minor criticism. This is a place for writers who want their work deeply criticized and broken down. They describe their community as a place where, "we will tell you the good, the bad, the ugly, and the horrible of your writing." This subreddit isn't for everyone, but is a valuable resource for those who love this sort of feedback.

Help publishing

  • Self Publish (r/selfpublish): 81.4k members. r/SelfPublish is an incredible resource for authors trying to self-publish. Authors offer each other advice about the process in general and also provide tips for advertising your book once it's published.

  • Publishing (r/publishing): 17.7k members. r/Publishing is a warm and welcoming community for members to discuss everything around publishing. Conversations vary from publishing your own book to careers in the industry.

  • Pub Tips (r/pubtips): 32.1k members. r/PubTips is accurately self-described as your "go-to place for traditional publishing news, writing opinions, professional AMAs with authors, agents, editors, publicists, etc. We help with trad-pub queries, and answer writing and publishing questions with a focus on the trad pub market." For it's size, this is still a moderately active subreddit and incredibly informational!

Breakdown by genre

  • Poetry (r/poetry): 1.5M members. r/Poetry is for already published poems to be shared and discussed. Members reflect deeply on the works they share and the community is extremely warm and conversational with one another. Looking to post your own original poetry somewhere? Check out their daughter subreddit r/OCPoetry.

  • Screenwriting (r/screenwriting): 1.4M members. r/Screenwriting is a highly active and incredibly informative community of screenwriters. The group has many experienced screenwriters who also chime in to offer their knowledge to some discussions.

  • Fiction (r/fiction): 7.6k members. r/Fiction is an incredible community of avid writers and readers of fiction. If you're working on any fiction piece and find yourself stuck on the setting, characters, or even the plot, this group is certainly a great place to find inspiration and feedback. It truly is a place, "for all things fiction."

  • Fantasy (r/fantasy): 1.8M members. r/Fantasy is a huge community that welcomes, "respectful dialogue related to speculative fiction in literature, games, film, and the wider world." If you're a fan of fantasy, whether a reader or writer, you must check this subreddit out!

  • Mystery (r/mystery): 105k members. r/Mystery really covers everything related to the genre. It's a place for writers to share their work and receive feedback. It's also a place for mystery junkies to share any interesting mystery or crime cases that come up in the world.

  • Writers Of Horror (r/writersofhorror): 9.1k members. r/WritersOfHorror is not for the faint of heart. If you spook easily, avoid this page at all costs! However if you love horror movies or books, this active community of horror enthusiasts will provide you with excitement and a place you'll feel at home.

  • No Sleep (r/nosleep): 15.6M members. r/NoSleep is a very active community of people who share terrifying and scary short stories that will make the hair on your neck stand up. If you're a writer of horror stories, this is an amazing resource for inspiration. If not, you still might get a kick out of reading some of the horrific experiences some people write.

  • Songwriting (r/songwriting): 78.3k members. r/SongWriting is an active and supportive community of song-writers seeking feedback, advice, conversation, and potential collaborations.

  • Sci-Fi Writers (r/scifiwriting): 53.2k members. r/SciFiWriting is a great group to join if you're interested in anything and all thing science fiction related. With very minimal rules, writers can share their work and receive feedback directly from their target audience.

  • Journaling (r/journaling): 162k members. r/Journaling is a subreddit for anyone who keeps a journal or is interested in getting started with journaling. Find other writers who share your interests and post photos of what you write, ask questions, and get inspired here with people who are likeminded.

  • Nonfiction (r/nonfiction): 2.7k members. r/NonFiction is a place for all professionals within the non-fiction writing space to come together and ask questions, share feedback, and discuss the industry in general. This group is fairly small with limited activity, but worth checking out as content is still posted almost daily.

Sources of prompts for inspiration

  • Writing Prompts (r/writingprompts): 15.9M members. r/WritingPrompts is likely the largest database of writing prompts in the world. Since 2010 writer's have been posting prompts, responding to prompts, and giving feedback to one another on this subreddit. There's many cases of writer's even turning a prompt response into an entire published novel! If you love to write short stories off of creative prompts, you certainly should check out this community!

Fact checking for your story

  • Ask Historians (r/askhistorians): 1.5M members. r/AskHistorians is an awesome and free resource for writer's to fact check any historical events or pieces they want to include in their writing. This is a great resource for character building and developing your setting to ensure it's historically accurate!

  • Ask Science (r/askscientists): 22.4M members. r/AskScientists is another useful and free resource for fact checking anything you are unsure of which is science related.

  • Ask Science Fiction (r/asksciencefiction): r/AskScienceFiction is a great group for any science fiction writers to join. It's accurately self-described as, "like r/AskScientists, but all questions and answers are written with answers gleaned from the universe itself."

Connecting writing professionals

  • Freelance Writers (r/freelancewriters): 93.8k members. r/FreelanceWriters is a decently active and open community for writers to share experiences as a freelance writer, ask questions to other freelance writers, and get feedback. If you are a freelance writer this is definitely a group you must join.

  • Journalism (r/journalism): 49.1k members. r/Journalism is a collaborative community of journalists who discuss everything around the career as a journalist. Whether you're an experienced journalist of 10+ years or new the field, this page is worth checking out.

  • Technical Writing (r/technicalwriting): 15.7k members. r/TechnicalWriting is made up of writers, "who take the unbelievably complicated things that scientists and engineers devise and make it understandable for non-technical people." This is certainly a craft which can earn you top money as a writer and a field worth checking out if this is your overall goal.

Pages for fun

We wanted to finish off this list with some last subreddits that are just for fun. These may not be useful for improving your writing, but they're worth reading when you have some extra time. Any avid writer or reader will enjoy most of these communities too.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of subreddits that would be useful for writers. We've done our best to highlight our favorite and the most popular subreddits, but keep in mind reddit is a never ending abyss of communities. If you have a very niche topic on writing that you'd like to talk about, it's likely there's already a subreddit page for you. If not, it might be worth starting one yourself!

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